Discovering Wise Friendship:
A Self-Compassion Meditation with Diana Hill
Dr. Diana Hill gently leads you in a self-compassion practice to cultivate wise friendship. Drawing from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, she introduces a simple yet profound mantra: “I have arrived, I am home.” You’ll then embark on a journey to meet yourself with wise friendship during a recent struggle. You will embody three pillars of wise friendship: compassionate presence, values, and flexibility, and have the opportunity to expand your awareness to sit in the spacious presence of wisdom and compassion. As the meditation draws to a close, Diana will guide you in extending the gift of wise friendship outward to others.
Talk on Wise Friendship: Nurturing Your Inner Ally with Dr. Diana Hill
What does it mean to be a wise friend to yourself? In this talk, Dr. Diana Hill draws from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the kalyana mitta sutta, and personal experience to explore three qualities of wise friendship: compassionate presence, values, and flexibility.
You will learn:
- The 7 qualities of wise friendship according to the kalyana mitta sutta
- How to meet your struggles with validation and compassionate presence
- Two strategies to explore your personal values: what brings you vitality and what brings you pain
- The flexibility practice of asking yourself, “Are you sure?”
- Regrets as a pathway to values
Dr. Diana Hill offers a touching and heartfelt talk and meditation on Wise Friendship: Nurturing Your Inner Ally. Diana is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion. She hosts the podcast Wise Effort with Dr. Diana Hill and is the author of the ACT Daily Journal, The Self-Compassion Daily Journal, and the upcoming book Wise Effort. Diana works with organizations and individuals to develop psychological flexibility so that they can grow fulfilling and impactful lives. |