Meditation + Talk: Tools For Difficult Conversations
November 10, 2023

This Wednesday Night Meditation included a 32-minute meditation and a 52-minute talk about Tools For Difficult Conversations.

Our guest teacher Oren Jay Sofer teaches meditation and communication internationally. He holds a degree in comparative religion from Columbia University and is a Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner for the healing of trauma. Oren is also the author of several books, including the best-seller Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication and his latest book, Your Heart Was Made for This: Contemplative Practices to Meet a World In Crisis with Courage, Integrity, and Love. His teaching has reached people around the world through his online communication courses and guided meditations. A husband and a father, Oren lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he enjoys cooking, spending time in nature, and home woodworking projects.

I hope you find it helpful, and you are welcome to join my free Wednesday Meditations – which are open to everyone!

Meditation: Tools For Difficult Conversations

Download the Audio of this Meditation

Talk: Tools For Difficult Conversations

Download the Audio of this Talk
These teachings are offered freely, at no charge. 

And if you like, you may wish to participate in the age-old tradition of generosity through making an offering yourself – called “dāna” – to support Rick and the Wednesday Meditations. Generosity itself is a beautiful practice that opens and gladdens the heart, relaxes the contraction of “self,” and ripples out into the world to touch many people – and perhaps, eventually, even oneself. 

Make a Donation:

These teachings are offered freely.

Donations to support these teachings are received with much gratitude!
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6-7:30pm PT / 9-10:30pm ET

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