Meditation + Talk: Feeling Already Enough in Your Relationships
October 5, 2024

We all have natural needs for connection, love, and support—those are healthy. But when we feel like those needs aren’t being met, we often crave reassurance, cling to others, or avoid taking risks in relationships.

This craving—whether it’s for more validation, attention, or security—keeps us trapped in patterns of suffering.

But what if we could start feeling that many of our needs are already being met, right here, right now? When we realize that we already have enough connection, love, and worth, we can stop chasing after more and start feeling peace in our relationships.

In this talk, I share practical ways to build inner strengths—like patience, empathy, and self-worth—so we can show up fully in our relationships without that constant craving for more. By recognizing when our needs are already met, we create space for more love and less suffering.

I also offered a meditation on Trusting the Heart, which is helpful if you’re feeling disconnected, emotionally overwhelmed, or struggling with self-worth in your relationships. By tapping into a sense of basic goodness, love, and open-heartedness that is already within you, you can quiet the mind and nurture feelings of warmth, compassion, and kindness — both toward yourself and others.

I hope you find both helpful.

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Meditation: Trusting the Heart

Download the Audio of this Meditation

Talk: Feeling Already Enough in Your Relationships

Download the Audio of this Talk

These teachings are offered freely, at no charge. 

And if you like, you may wish to participate in the age-old tradition of generosity through making an offering yourself – called “dāna” – to support Rick and the Wednesday Meditations. Generosity itself is a beautiful practice that opens and gladdens the heart, relaxes the contraction of “self,” and ripples out into the world to touch many people – and perhaps, eventually, even oneself. 

Make a Donation:

These teachings are offered freely.

Donations to support these teachings are received with much gratitude!
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6-7:30pm PT / 9-10:30pm ET

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