Getting on Your Own Side – and the Buddha’s Life Story
January 10, 2018

This talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson, Ph.D. is titled, “Getting on Your Own Side – and the Buddha’s Life Story. In this talk and meditation, we will explore how to cultivate underlying conditions inside ourselves fundamentally of peace, contentment, and love.

The San Rafael Meditation group is a weekly gathering in San Rafael, California, and is led by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. (and occasional guest teachers). It focuses on cultivating the brain states of self-awareness, calm, and inner peace, lovingkindness, mindfulness, and happiness. Research has shown that this can strengthen your immune system and nurture other health benefits.

This group is open to seasoned meditators and people with less experience, all in an atmosphere that is friendly and focused. Newcomers are always welcome. Learn more here.

These teachings are offered freely, at no charge. 

And if you like, you may wish to participate in the age-old tradition of generosity through making an offering yourself – called “dāna” – to support Rick and the Wednesday Meditations. Generosity itself is a beautiful practice that opens and gladdens the heart, relaxes the contraction of “self,” and ripples out into the world to touch many people – and perhaps, eventually, even oneself. 

Make a Donation:

These teachings are offered freely.

Donations to support these teachings are received with much gratitude!
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