Feeling stuck? Or, know someone who is struggling, and resisting help or change? We can move forward and grow with wisdom and patience.
Wednesday Meditations and Talks on:
Love, Peace, Compassion
Meditation + Talk: Reflections on the Path of Practice
Guest teacher Henry Shukman shares how the practice of being quiet and still can bring us to something deeper in our nature.
Meditation + Talk: Gathering and Dispersing: The Two Great Movements of the Heart
Balancing gathering and dispersing is vital. Overemphasis on gathering can cause anxiety and stress, while dispersing fosters openness and reduces mental strain, leading to less suffering.
Meditation + Talk: The Future of Wise Leadership Is Up to Us with Dr. Diana Hill
We all have the capacity to make a profound and lasting impact. Here is a meditation and 7 Practices to Grow Stronger Together.
Meditation + Talk: Confidence, Hope, and Fear with Ethan Nichtern
Confidence can be difficult to maintain in the face of challenges. Buddhism offers insight into the forces that shape our self-perception and well-being.
Meditation + Talk: 7 Practices for Dealing with Regrets
We all have regrets. Meditate on Resting in Contentment and Releasing Craving. Then learn 7 Practices for Dealing with Regrets.
Meditation + Talk: Healing Regrets
Regret can be a heavy burden. As we reflect on our mistakes and regrets, it’s essential to explore our underlying good intentions and embrace openheartedness.
Meditation + Talk: Love Refuses to Despair
Learn how to apply the wisdom of the Dharma to personal and global challenges. Meditate on Letting Go of Preoccupations and Resting in what’s good.
Meditation + Talk: Coming Home to Equanimity
Equanimity embodies a balanced and centered state of mind, allowing us to be impartial and have a wise, informed understanding of life’s conditions.
Meditation + Talk: From Autonomic to Volitional Attention
At the heart of meditation is the work of retraining our attention away from emotionally-charged thinking back to the experience of body or breath.
These teachings are offered freely.
Donations to support these teachings are received with much gratitude!
6-7:30pm PT / 9-10:30pm ET
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4-Week Series on Improving All Your Relationships
Join Rick to learn Practical Skills for More Fulfilling, Peaceful, and Effective Relationships.