Today we have the pleasure of being joined by the host of the award-winning MarieTV, Marie Forleo.
Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, she’s the star of MarieTV, which has over 48 million views, and host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, with more than nine million downloads. She’s spent time with a who’s who of thought-leaders and personal development experts, including Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, and Brene Brown. She’s also the author of two books, including the just-released Everything is Figureoutable – which is the main subject of today’s conversation.
If you’d like to purchase Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo just follow this link.
More from Marie Forleo:
Today we explored:
- The origins of Marie Forleo’s phrase “everything is figureoutable.”
- What we can do about the things in life that truly can’t be changed.
- How people in challenging circumstances can apply this approach.
- Simple practices for managing and overcoming fear.
- 00:55: Where the idea behind Everything is Figureoutable came from.
- 07:27: What do you mean by, “figureoutable?”
- 12:36: For those who don’t have it so easy in life right now, what would you suggest practically for them so they can move into that “figureoutable” mindset?
- 15:36: Practices for managing fear.
- 23:13: What Marie Forleo would say to a younger version of herself.
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