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Writings from Dr. Rick Hanson
The following materials for the Positive Neuroplasticity Training course have been written by Alexandru Bogdan:
PNT Handbook: Manualul participantului
PNT Slides: Formare în neuroplasticitate pozitivă
- Puterea rezilientei: Cele 12 secrete ale unei vieti calme, echilibrate si implinite (Resilient)
- Creierul fericit: Cum sa fim calmi, relaxati si sa avem incredere in noi cu ajutorul neuropsihologiei (Hardwiring Happiness)
- Creierul lui Buddha. Neuroştiinţa fericirii, iubirii şi înţelepciunii (Buddha’s Brain)
Alexandru Bogdan is a psychologist trained in in cognitive-behavioral, rational-emotional and behavioral psychotherapy, psycho-sexual therapy, and in couple therapy, scientifically validated based on the Gottman model.