Foreign Languages
Writings from Dr. Rick Hanson
Articles (translated to Czech by Pavla Frňková):
Jak naprogramovat náš mozek ke štěstí (How to Program Our Brain for Happiness)
JOT: Nechte to plavat (Drop the Case)
JOT: Dejte jim, co chtějí (Give Them What They Wants)
JOT: Utište svého vnitřního kritika (Silence your inner critic)
JOT: Ochočte svého ještěra (Pet the Lizard)
Buddha’s Brain*
Stačí jen málo (Just One Thing)
*Out of print
Pavla Frňková is a therapist and yoga instructor. Personality development is her lifelong passion, and the goal of her career is to help people find a way to achieve their passions and have the internal strength to handle difficult moments that can happen in life. She offers science courses in emotional intelligence and yoga, as well as therapy and coaching in Brno and Adam.