Swimming up Stream

Many mothers think back to their own moms and feel dismayed that they may not be handling things as well. It’s both poignant and sadly unfair to the women who feel this way, since times have changed so dramatically. In response, we’d like to offer these words.

How a Parent Gets Depleted

Parenthood is profoundly fulfilling . . . but it is also the most physically demanding and stressful activity most people – whether women or men – will ever do, and it gets done day after day for twenty or more years. You can start feeling better about things just knowing that you are not alone.

10 Reasons to Take Good Care of a Mother

Mothers get stressed and depleted over time through the accumulation of a thousand little things. It is through doing little things each day that are good for you that you accumulate a growing pile of positive resources for your health, well-being, strong teamwork, and lasting love. These are worth knowing for a mother herself, and for anyone who knows her.

Taking in the Good Stuff

Parents put out so much during the day that it’s easy to get depleted: more is going out than is coming back in. It’s so vital to keep putting back in your tank. Here, let’s look at how to fill yourself back up emotionally.

Giving Emotional Support

Under the press of everything you have to do as a parent, combined with feeling tired and frazzled, it’s only natural to feel a little distant from your mate. But as the saying goes, “love is a verb,” which means that an intimate relationship ultimately rests on how we act toward our partner.

Building Good Will

Daily life has its stresses, and these days it’s seems like there’s more of a general uneasiness about how things are going that makes people more edgy and aggressive. Here are 21 Ways To Turn Ill Will to Good Will.

10 Reasons to Take Good Care of a Father

It’s natural to feel both absorbed in your baby and worn out, so that any extra tug from someone else can seem like a burden. From personal experience and professional contact with thousands of parents, we think it’s a terrible mistake to set your husband or partner aside when baby makes three.

Letting Go

Moms deal with so many feelings and needs and wants in her children and partner that the stress builds up over the course of a day. Here’s a summary of practical methods for letting go.

Where’s Dad?

These days, dads too (like moms) are pulled in different directions by changing expectations about their proper role in the family coupled with unrelenting pressures to be a successful breadwinner. Find out how to be an excellent team player in the role of childrearing.

Empathy: A Key Relationship Skill

Fundamentally, empathy is a skill, like any other, and you can get better at it. And much the same, you can ask your partner to get better at it, too! Getting better at empathy will only help a person become a better parent.