Being Well Podcast: Borderline Personality Disorder
July 1, 2019

During this episode, we cover the clinical definition of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and how that varies from a more “everyday” one. Learn how people with Borderline Personality Disorder are strongly impacted by relatively everyday events and what defines the traits of someone with “10% BPD.” Discover how people with Borderline Personality Disorder can better learn to interact with those traits; and how we can support our relationships with people who have BPD.

We all have good days and bad days. Our mood naturally trends up and down in response to the events of our constantly changing worlds. As wise people have said, change is the only constant in life.

But some people change more frequently and are hit harder by change than others. In today’s episode, we’re continuing our “Who Am I” series by looking at a particularly intense, but quite common, version of this: Borderline Personality Disorder.

During this episode we cover:

  • The clinical definition of Borderline Personality Disorder, and how that varies from a more “everyday” one.
  • How people with Borderline Personality Disorder are strongly impacted by relatively everyday events.
  • What defines the traits of someone with “10% BPD,” and how people with Borderline Personality Disorder can better learn to interact with those traits. 
  • How we can support our relationships with people who have Borderline Personality Disorder.


  • 03:01: What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)?
  • 18:09: How do people with BPD respond to everyday issues?
  • 22:52: What are the traits of somebody who has “10% BPD”?
  • 32:10: How can people with tendencies toward BPD learn to manage it more effectively?
  • 40:40: If we are in a relationship with someone who has some level of BPD, what can we do to support them or otherwise make our relationship with them as healthy as possible?

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